
Belgian Christadelphians

or Brethren in Christ

English pages

Engelstalige pagina's


The Belgian Christadelphians, Brothers or Brethren in Christ from Belgium, extends a friendly welcome to you! We hope you will enjoy browsing the contents of this site and related links. We sincerely hope that it shall not stay with this one visit. But we hope that you shall visit us more often and that you shall dare to take contact with us in the near future.

This site is maintained by Christians whose aim is to spread the Gospel of Christ, who is the corner-stone of the Church. Because God and Jesus are in heaven our Headquarters is in Heaven and not here on earth. We have no creed but the Bible. Our leader is Jesus the Christ, the only begotten Son of God. His Father, also Our Father, is the Almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth. Our Hope, based on the Holy Scriptures, is Eternal Life in the Kingdom of God. Since our Headquarters is in Heaven and the Bible Teaches that each Congregation is Autonomous, this is not the Internet Headquarters for the Church of Christ, but only Christians doing their best to get the WORD out.

Enjoy your time with us,

Yours sincerely,

Marcus Ampe

Please find the new English pages at: the Belgian Christadelphians

> First century patterns

> Brief History

My Faith

Guide to Christadelphian Ecclesias

History of the Christadelphians

Giving preference to the Word of God instead of the word of people and traditions.